In the college’s Acceptable Use Policy, one item of “inappropriate conduct” is defined as: “Failing to log off any secure, controlled-access computer or other form of electronic data system to which you are assigned, if you leave such computer or system unattended.”
With IT making access to systems more seamless (fewer logins), this policy is prudent. If a user wants to leave the computer temporarily and return shortly thereafter, locking the computer makes sense. Windows Users can lock their computer using a single key combination, Windows_Key+L. When the user logs back onto the computer, it returns to the exact state where they left it. While locking is not available for an Apple OSX user, an equivalent state can be achieved if the user first sets their computer to require a password to unlock a sleeping computer or a screen saver and then uses the Control+Eject key combination. This invokes sleep mode and effectively locks the computer similar to Windows.
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